
Actor/Singer/Dancer living in Hollywood... Life is hard to live when you forget where you came from. I need to document my life so I can remember what I have accomplished. So when I am down or hard on myself I can see that there has been tougher times that I have made it through. Divorce, Homelessness, unemployment. I'm homeless again but living in my car this time. Almost in an Apt. Lets take a look at me now!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

It Rained Today

癡摩䠠癡牥祴਍⸮氮癩ⱥ氠畡桧愠摮氠癯⹥⸮污慷獹氠癯eI was able to Nap today before my night shift tonight because it sprinkled mid day. It kept the Sun covered and the ground cool so it was perfect to sleep. I woke up 3 hours later sweating but I expected that. I opened the doors to get a breeze going but now I am awake and I am going to go the gym to get some cool air and the option to workout.
Last night Lee Markham came into town and we went to Sardo's for Karaoke. He did his usual best and we ate chicken fingers and Rum and cokes. I had Gin and tonics. I sang my usual Boyz ll Men song, yet it was the first time I sanf it in public since Gali left and have to saw....my heart was singing it and it was best performance of that song I have ever done. If you have seen me sing it before....you had never heard it this way. I then sang "What's New Pussycat?" and brought the house down. I sang it JUST like Tom Jones. Next oh Next time. Well I am off to the gym...
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